This is an INCREDIBLY basic list of all events.
TODO: Create a sectioned table. Event name (the fancy name), Command name (as it shows up in code), the Announcement attached to it (if any), and the Effect of the event.
VentClog- "Attention. The scrubbers are experiencing a backpressure surge. Some ejection of contents may occur." After a delay, a handful of Scrubbers will emit a gas. (What kinds of gases can it emit?)
FreeProber- No announcement. Spawns a prober- it seems to spawn it directly south of ther
FAUNA MIGRATIONS- These events will generally spawn a small assortment of creatures, with the below announcement.
CENTRAL COMMAND ANNOUNCEMENT: "Attention. A large influx of unknown life forms have been detected residing within the station's ventilation systems. Please be rid of these creatures before it begins to affect productivity."
SnailMigrationLowPop- Spawns (at least) 3 snails.
SpiderClownSpawn- Spawns (at least) 4 Spider Clowns.
CockroachMigration- Spawns several cockroaches. (How many?)