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Show new changes starting from 13:03, 30 December 2024
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30 December 2024

     12:09  Shipyard diffhist +237 Algis Alphonse talk contribs (→‎Shuttles: Updated the prices for the shuttles. Added the Saucer and Bulwark, but no picture available yet.) Tag: Visual edit
 m   01:43  Standard Operating Procedure diffhist −464 LadyDanger2743 talk contribs (Deleted a duplication in Captain's Authority.) Tag: Visual edit

25 December 2024

 m   22:40  Playable Species diffhist +336 Mdempg talk contribs (Added bloodloss regeneration) Tag: Visual edit

20 December 2024

     17:28  Standard Operating Procedure‎‎ 2 changes history +1,444 [LadyDanger2743‎ (2×)]
17:28 (cur | prev) +166 LadyDanger2743 talk contribs (Small tweak to the secure-access line. Added the missing change to Departmental Dispensations.) Tag: Visual edit
17:05 (cur | prev) +1,278 LadyDanger2743 talk contribs (Restructured the entire document. Made sweeping changes to General Regulations, Security Regulations, Due Legal Process (now called Justice Regulation), and Medical Regulation. A full changelog is available within #guidebooks-tips-wiki-work on the Discord.) Tag: Visual edit
     12:59  Mapping diffhist +691 Unkn0wn Gh0st talk contribs (Adds information about Fork) Tag: Visual edit

19 December 2024

     22:09  Hacking‎‎ 10 changes history +11,359 [Mdempg‎ (10×)]
22:09 (cur | prev) +36 Mdempg talk contribs (corrections) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
18:34 (cur | prev) +4,447 Mdempg talk contribs (Signalling Objects Added) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
17:47 (cur | prev) +3,254 Mdempg talk contribs Tag: Visual edit: Switched
17:24 (cur | prev) +89 Mdempg talk contribs (→‎Inputs: Vending Machines: style)
17:21 (cur | prev) +9 Mdempg talk contribs (more style) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
17:18 (cur | prev) +2 Mdempg talk contribs (style) Tag: Visual edit
17:14 (cur | prev) +1,598 Mdempg talk contribs (Vending Machine and Fire Alarm update) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
16:34 (cur | prev) 0 Mdempg talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
16:33 (cur | prev) +28 Mdempg talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
16:32 (cur | prev) +1,896 Mdempg talk contribs (Airlocks update) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
 m   03:41  User:Adeinitas diffhist −230 Adeinitas talk contribs (Where were you when Adei was kil? I was sitting on my couch when I get call. "adei is akill" "ah" and then went to wiki and he vagueposted on his userpage like some stupid motherfucker) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
     03:23  (Upload log) [Adeinitas‎ (3×)]
03:23 Adeinitas talk contribs uploaded File:Canwetalkaboutthemail.png(A screenshot of Shoko, with a load of opened packages on the ground, all addressed to the same courier. There's so much bullshit on the floor, and among this mess, there is a blue vulpkanin in a classic mail-carrier outfit, saying "Can we talk about the mail?")
03:20 Adeinitas talk contribs uploaded File:Mailposter.png(The poster from the PR which showcases a vulpkanin holding an envelope with the text "Open!" You should open your mail.)
03:14 Adeinitas talk contribs uploaded File:MailFileStructure.png(A tree showing the following folder: "Mail" and the following files: "mail.yml" "mail_civilian.yml" "mail_command.yml" "mail_engineering.yml" "mail_epistemology.yml" "mail_medical.yml" "mail_security.yml" "tools.yml")
N    03:18  How to create Mail‎‎ 2 changes history +10,459 [Adeinitas‎ (2×)]
03:18 (cur | prev) +247 Adeinitas talk contribs (Images, yippee)
03:12 (cur | prev) +10,212 Adeinitas talk contribs (Initialization.)
 m   02:27  Mapping diffhist 0 Adeinitas talk contribs (It became .net 8.0 since this was touched. I love legacy pages)

18 December 2024

     19:34  Direction Guidelines‎‎ 2 changes history +266 [Lyndomen‎ (2×)]
19:34 (cur | prev) +269 Lyndomen talk contribs (→‎Medium Impact) Tag: Visual edit
19:31 (cur | prev) −3 Lyndomen talk contribs (→‎Event Rules) Tag: Visual edit

17 December 2024

     17:11  Space Ninja diffhist +375 Radezolid talk contribs (Updated the ninja's objective section) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
     09:35  How to contribute‎‎ 3 changes history −29 [Lyndomen‎ (3×)]
09:35 (cur | prev) +154 Lyndomen talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
09:33 (cur | prev) +5 Lyndomen talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
09:33 (cur | prev) −188 Lyndomen talk contribs (→‎Getting Started) Tag: Visual edit

16 December 2024

 m   22:26  Syndicate Items diffhist +296 Vova56710 talk contribs (Moved cramped text in price section to description table. Tweaked couple descriptions upon recent changes. (Power sink, jug suit, etc)) Tag: Visual edit
     14:29  Direction Guidelines‎‎ 4 changes history +316 [Lyndomen‎ (4×)]
14:29 (cur | prev) −404 Lyndomen talk contribs (→‎Event Rules) Tag: Visual edit
14:22 (cur | prev) +117 Lyndomen talk contribs (→‎Eventrunning Practices) Tag: Visual edit
13:58 (cur | prev) +277 Lyndomen talk contribs (→‎Event Rules) Tag: Visual edit
13:47 (cur | prev) +326 Lyndomen talk contribs (→‎Event Rules) Tag: Visual edit
 m   01:04  Playable Species diffhist −8 Mdempg talk contribs Tag: Visual edit

14 December 2024

 m   16:39  Playable Species‎‎ 4 changes history +1,597 [Mdempg‎ (4×)]
16:39 (cur | prev) +309 Mdempg talk contribs (Continue work on Uncommon Other) Tag: Visual edit
16:30 (cur | prev) +802 Mdempg talk contribs Tag: Visual edit: Switched
16:12 (cur | prev) +3 Mdempg talk contribs Tag: Visual edit: Switched
16:07 (cur | prev) +483 Mdempg talk contribs (Edits from the discord list (HTML/Crystal #TeamJani)) Tag: Visual edit
     16:28  (Upload log) [Mdempg‎ (11×)]
16:28 Mdempg talk contribs uploaded File:Punpun icon.png
16:17 Mdempg talk contribs uploaded File:Eyeball-l-a.png
16:16 Mdempg talk contribs uploaded File:Eye-L-pl.png
16:16 Mdempg talk contribs uploaded File:Eye-L.png
16:15 Mdempg talk contribs uploaded File:Liver.png
16:15 Mdempg talk contribs uploaded File:Kidney-L.png
16:15 Mdempg talk contribs uploaded File:Stomach-pl.png
16:15 Mdempg talk contribs uploaded File:Stomach.png
16:14 Mdempg talk contribs uploaded File:Lung-L.png
16:14 Mdempg talk contribs uploaded File:Brain-pl.png
16:09 Mdempg talk contribs uploaded File:Fullvox.png