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Main Antagonists

Those antagonists are typically the primary bad guy of a single round. They are usually the main form of how a round can play out, ranging from a plain ass round with nothing interesting going on, to an investigation on why someone bombed Medical, or why the there are red people outside the Bridge.


Your PDA beeps. Whiskey, Echo, Whiskey, Lima, Alpha, Delta.

A traitor is an antagonist employed by the Syndicate. They have access to the Uplink in their PDA which allows them to buy all sorts of gear. They are also meant to do specific directives from the Syndicate.

Nuclear Operative


A nuclear operative is an antagonist employed by the Syndicate, presumably operatives from ERT or bored greytiders. Your objective is simple, break in and detonate the Nuclear Fission Device. Escape is optional, just get the nuke detonated. You get to buy lots of fun things to help in your mission.



Zombies are a conversion antagonist whose sole purpose is to infect and convert as much of the crew as possible. They boast strong resistances to various damage types and are able to regenerate themselves through feasting on unsuspecting crew members. Zombies propagate through biting their victims, transmitting a deadly infection that will cause them to turn into a zombie when they succumb.

Side Antagonists

Those antagonists are typically subservient to another antagonist or have a small chance to appear during any round type. While they are not really the main focus of the round, they can range from being a minor nuisance to a threat to the entire crew.

Rat King

He's da rat. He makes da roolz.

The Rat King is a random event antagonist who is hungry, and wont stop at anything to get food. They can summon rat servants with the Raise Army ability, and summon a cloud of miasma with the Rat King's Domain ability.


Rev in medbay! No, the other rev!

This is a random event antagonist that sucks up the soul of people when they die, they also have the ability to check souls when a human is alive.

Space Ninja

Nothing personnel kid.

Space Ninjas are a special type of ninja, specifically one of the space-faring type. The vast majority of space ninjas belong to the Spider Clan, a cult-like sect which has existed for several hundred years. They are an antagonist that can appear during most gamemodes, they are given some goals and a bunch of very powerful tools to accomplish said goals.

Space Dragon

All of the stations on the rim are out there fighting space dragons, and what do I get?

The Space Ninja is a midround antagonist that can appear during most gamemodes, they are given some goals and a bunch of very powerful tools to accomplish said goals.