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Space Dragon

From Delta-V Wiki
This page needs revising!
This page contains information that is either out-of-date or from a different source (e.g. Upstream SS14). Some information on this page may differ from how it actually works on Delta-V.
Reason for revision: "This need to be written."

Space Dragon
Difficulty: Medium
Requirements: None
Access: None
Extended Access: Basically anywhere
Supervisors: None
Subordinates: None
Duties: Breathe fire, chow down on the crew, hoard all the station's gold, summon forth the carptide.
Guides: This is the guide

Roles on DeltaV
Command Captain · Head of Personnel · Head of Security · Chief Engineer · Mystagogue · Chief Medical Officer · Logistics Officer · Chief Justice
Justice Department Chief Justice · Clerk · Prosecutor · Lawyer
Security Head of Security · Warden · Security Officer · Prison Guard · Corpsman · Detective · Security Cadet
Engineering Chief Engineer · Atmospheric Technician · Station Engineer · Technical Assistant
Epistemics Mystagogue · Psionic Mantis · Chaplain · Scientist · Research Assistant
Medical Chief Medical Officer · Medical Doctor · Paramedic · Chemist · Psychologist · Medical Intern
Logistics Logistics Officer · Cargo Technician · Salvage Specialist · Courier
Service Head of Personnel · Janitor · Bartender · Botanist · Chef · Service Worker · Boxer · Clown · Martial Artist · Mime · Musician · Reporter · Passenger · Zookeeper · Librarian · Gladiator · Prisoner
Sillicon Cyborg · Personal AI
Antagonists Traitor · Nuclear Operative · Space Ninja · Thief · Paradox Anomaly · Revenant · Space Dragon · Listening Post Operative · Zombie