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Revision as of 11:26, 22 January 2024 by MilonPL (talk | contribs) (Add Sigynate cause i did a funny and forgot)

Starting your shift

Medbay often starts out calm, but you'd best prepare for the storm that's about to come. You'll either get blown up by some syndicate agent wanting the hypospray or you'll get so inundated with bodies and people screaming in your ear for you to treat them faster that you'll blow medbay up yourself.

Coordinate with the Chemists. Give them a list of drugs you'll need to treat your patients. Try to have a variety of meds on deck, and don't just keep a stockpile of Tricordrazine for everyone that comes your way.

It's optional but bringing a Body Scanner or health analyzer out to the front of medbay for patients to come and scan their DNA without pestering you can be beneficial.

If there is no Crew Monitor Computer out in medical's public area, ask the CMO to bring it out from their office. When you have the time, you can check the Crew Monitor for anyone dead or dying. If they have their suit sensors set to display coordinates a Paramedic may use those to potentially locate their body for cloning purposes or biomass. A GPS and Handheld Crew Monitor devices can help you locate dead bodies.

Types Of Damage

In SS14, damage is a value representing how much injuries a character has suffered. It can be checked using a health analyzer or your PDA. If it's 0, it means there are no wounds or injuries. There are 5 categories of damage: BRUTE, BURN, AIR, TOXIN and GENE. Each of them has a different treatment, although some chemicals, like Tricordrazine, can treat multiple types of damage.

Damage Treatment
Brute Bruise pack, Bicaridine, Tricordrazine, Poppy
Caustic Siderlac
Burn Ointment, Dermaline, Kelotane, Tricordrazine, Aloe vera
Airloss Defibrillator, Dexalin, Dexalin Plus, Epinephrine, Inaprovaline
Toxin Dylovene, Ultravasculine, Arithrazine, Hyronalin, Stellibinin, Diphenhydramine, Galaxy thistle
Genetic Phalanximine, Doxarubixadone (Cryo)
Bleeding Bandages, Pulped Banana Peel, Inaprovaline, Tranexamic acid, Iron, Blood packs, Cloth

Brute Damage

There are three types of Brute damage: Blunt, Slash, Piercing. All types of Brute damage can be used using Bicaridine, which heals 4 BRUTE per unit. The overdose amount is 15u. You can also use advanced chemicals to treat only one kind of Brute damage at once, but more effectively. It's especially useful when a patient comes in with only one type of damage. These chemicals are:

  • Bruizine - Healing 7 Blunt wih max dose of 10.5u.
  • Lacerinol - Healing 6 Slash with max dose of 12u.
  • Puncturase- Healing 8 Piercing but dealing 0.2 Blunt with max dose of 11u.

When a patient is presenting with less than 25 damage, you might want to use Bruise Packs or Medicated Sutures to heal them. You can find these inside of your toolbelt or First Aid Kits.

Burn Damage

There are four typoes of Burn damage: Heat, Shock, Cold and Caustic. All of them except Caustic can be healed using Dermaline, which heals 3 Heat, 3 Shock, 3 Cold and has a max dose of 10u. It's what you're most likely to find inside the medbay. The advanced chemicals for this kind of damage, are:

Again, when a patient is presenting with less than 25 Burn damage, you can use Ointments or Regenerative Meshes to heal them.

Airloss Damage

Before reading anything else: if someone is on the ground gasping, you should first use an emergency medipen on them if no one else already has yet, and then move them to a stasis bed if there are any available. This will give you time to prepare a more specific treatment. Next check that their internals are off (if theres air in medbay) or on (if theres no air in medbay). You do this by their right click menu.

When it comes to Asphyxiation, Epinephrine, Inaprovaline, Dexalin and Dexalin Plus are all effective at treating it, but your best friend and go-to chemical will be Dexalin Plus, which - unlike Inaprovaline and Epinephrine - heals both 4 Bloodloss and 6 Asphyxiation.

Another kind of Airloss damage is Bloodloss. Everyone has a volume of blood inside them. When you take damage, slash and pierce most importantly, you will lose blood. You may also start noticeably bleeding, which continually drains your blood. If your blood level falls below a certain threshold, you will begin taking bloodloss damage and you will continue to do so until your blood levels return to normal. When you lose enough blood, you will start seeing double.

If someone is bleeding heavily there are 3 things to do:

  • Stop the bleeding
  • Restore blood levels
  • Cure bloodloss damage

To stop bleeding (to stop blood levels from dropping continuously), you should use gauze or Tranexamic acid. Inaprovaline and Pulped banana peel also reduce bleeding but Tranexamic acid is 3 times more powerful than pulped banana peel and 6 times more powerful than Inaprovaline. It should be noted that emergency medipens contain a small amount of Tranexamic acid (3u). Note that if you Examine a patient and it says they are covered in Lacerations, that means they are bleeding.

If you have only a few patients with intense bleeding, move them to a stasis bed first to give you time to prepare a treatment.

To restore blood level (stop double vision and stop continuous bloodloss damage), you need to administer Iron, Saline or use Blood packs which restores 15units of blood per use. Patients will recover blood levels on their own once their bleeding has stopped, however the rate at which they do so is abysmally low. You can view the patient's blood level in the top part of your Health Analyzer interface. It's showed there as precentage.

Your patient may have enough bloodloss damage at any point in treatment to warrant curing the damage. To do so, you will want to apply Dexalin plus or Dexalin to cure the bloodloss damage. Patients who are no longer low on blood will slowly recover from bloodloss damage on their own without medication.

Do not simply cure the patient of their bloodloss damage and send them on their way. They may appear to be cured on your health analyzer, but if their bleeding has not been stopped and their blood levels restored to normal, they will be back in med bay to be treated again soon.

Toxin Damage

There are two types of Toxin damage, both treated with different medications.

The one you'll come across the most is Poison damage. Seriously, you'd be surprised by how many people present with alcohol poisoning every shift. Your best option to heal Poison is Dylovene. It heals 2 Poison per unit with a max dose of 20u.

The next kind of Toxin is Radiation damage. You will most likely see Salvage Technicians presenting with this kind of damage. It can be treated with Arithrazine, which heals 6 Radiation per unit. You need to watch out, because it also deals 1 BRUTE. You can usually solve this issue with Bruise Pack or Bicaridine.


A loss of eye sight will not appear on the Health Analyzer. If a user has been using a Welding Torch without a Welding Mask, they may be unable to see very far. You can treat it using Oculine


A patient may be jittering (shaking) due to an overdose. A bed rest or simply time can help here. To rapidly flush jittering, you can administer a dose of Diphenhydramine.

Allergic Reaction

An allergic reaction (e.g. to bees) can cause a build up of Histamine. A dose of Diphenhydramine or Ultravasculine can help flush it.


A patient may see swirly illusions after taking a hallucinogenic such as Space Drugs. A bed rest or simply time can help here. 1u of Synaptizine can assist here (via a Dropper). More than 1u can be lethal.

Ethanol Poisoning

A patient may feel the effects of ingesting too much alcohol. A bed rest or simply time can help here. Ethylredoxrazine can also be used to treat the effeects.


Main article: Cryogenic Pods

Cryogenic Pods, also called cryo pods or cryopods, are a special type of medical machinery used in conjuction with specific chemical solutions. The machine itself can be thought of a simple gas chamber a patient can be placed in, with specific protection to prevent cold gases from damaging patients. It also offers a slot for a beaker or similar, to automatically inject the patient with a solution, slowly over the course of time. Cryo pods need a properly built atmospherics setup to work.

Medicine (0.5 units per second)
Heals 8 Brute, 12 Burn, 12 Airloss, and 8 Toxin per unit when below 150k.

Required for the proper function of cryogenics. Heals all standard types of damage very swiftly, but only works in temperatures under 170K (usually this means cryo cells). Can also slowly heal clone damage, such as caused by cloning or Slimes.
Seems to be fizzy.

Common Chemicals

Dexalin plus
Medicine (0.5 units per second)
Heals 7 Asphyxiation, and 6 Bloodloss per unit.
Removes 3 lexorin when more than 1u lexorin present.

Used in treatment of extreme cases of oxygen deprivation. Effective at healing blood loss damage.
Seems to be cloudy.

Medicine (0.5 units per second)
Reduces stun time by 0.75 seconds per unit.
Deals 2 Asphyxiation, and 2 Poison per unit when more than 20u.
Removes 2 lexorin.
Heals 1 Brute, 1 Poison, 1 Burn, and 6 Asphyxiation per unit when , and less than 20u.
Removes 1 epinephrine when more than 1u lexorin present.
10% chance to add 4 histamine when more than 1u lexorin present.
Reduces knockdown time by 0.75 seconds per unit when more than 1u lexorin present.

Effective at bringing people back from a critical state. Reduces some stun times. Easy to overdose on.
Seems to be odorless.

Medicine (0.5 units per second)
Heals 2 Heat, 2 Shock, and 2 Cold per unit.
Deals 2 Asphyxiation per unit when more than 30u.
cause jittering when more than 30u.

An advanced chemical that is more effective at treating burn damage than Kelotane.
Seems to be translucent.

Medicine (0.5 units per second)
Heals 4 Brute per unit.
Deals 2 Asphyxiation, and 1 Poison per unit when more than 30u.
cause jittering when more than 30u.

Alcohol (0.5 units per second)

Causes drunkness.

An analgesic which is highly effective at treating brute damage. It's useful for stabilizing people who have been severely beaten, as well as treating less life-threatening injuries.
Seems to be opaque.

Medicine (0.5 units per second)
Heals 0.66 Heat, 0.66 Shock, 2 Brute, 1 Poison, and 0.66 Cold per unit when below 50 damage.

A wide-spectrum stimulant, originally derived from Cordrazine. It's capable of healing most common damage types simultaneously, however only at about half the rate of other medications. Because of its low potency, it's best used as a supplement to other medicines.
Seems to be opaque.

Medicine (0.5 units per second)
Heals 6 Radiation and deals 1 Brute per unit.

A slightly unstable medication used for the most extreme case of radiation poisoning. Lowers radiation level at over twice the rate Hyronalin does and will heal toxin damage at the same time. Deals very minor brute damage to the patient over time, but the patient's body will typically out-regenerate it easily.
Seems to be cloudy.

Medicine (0.5 units per second)
Heals 2 Poison per unit.

A broad-spectrum anti-toxin, which treats toxin damage in the blood stream. Overdosing will cause vomiting, dizzyness and pain.
Seems to be translucent.

Medicine (0.5 units per second)
Heals 10 Asphyxiation per unit.
Reduces bleeding.

Inaprovaline is a synaptic stimulant and cardiostimulant. Commonly used to stabilize patients- it stops oxygen loss when the patient is in critical health. It'll also slow down bleeding by a good amount. Acts as a decent painkiller.
Seems to be opaque.

Administering Medication

There are multiple ways to administer medicine to the patients.

  • Liquid + Syringe - This is the most common way of giving chemicals to patients. You can find labeled jugs with medicine usually near the beds area of the Medbay. Each one holds 200u of liquid. You can use a syringe to draw or inject chemicals. By right clicking a syringe, you can change the amount of liquid you want to transfer - 5u, 10u or 15u. By left clicking it in your hand or clicking Z, you can change the mode between Drawing and Injecting.
  • Liquid + Interact - A doctor can hold a container of liquid (e.g. a beaker, jug, can, bottle) and interact with a patient to force them to sip 5u of the liquid. Force feeding is slower than if the patient drinks the liquid themselves. Liquids cannot be ingested by some species (such as Moth). Drinking requires the face to be uncovered (except for certain masks like the clown mask). A doctor can Strip off a Helmet and Breathe Mask in order to achieve this. Drinking does nothing on dead bodies except if it is ingested right before the Defibrillator.
  • Pill - A Chemist can create pills and some Medpacks also have pills therein. Pills will often be labelled with the chemical and amount of units. Unfortunately pills can also be mislabelled. Mislabelled pills can be grinded by a Grinder to revert to a liquid. Pills contain higher volumes of medication than a syringe. Pills cannot be ingested by some species (such as Moth). Pills require the face to be uncovered (except for certain masks like the clown mask). A doctor can Strip off a Helmet and Breathe Mask in order to achieve this. Pills do nothing on dead bodies except if they are ingested right before the Defibrillator.
  • Apply a Pack - Some treatments can be applied topically to the body. This can be performed on dead bodies, moths and patients wearing a helmet. Examples of topical treatment are: Bruise Packs, Ointment, Gauze, Aloe Cream, etc.

Stabilizing Critical Patients

When a character suffers more than 100 damage, they will go into a Critical condition, indicated by the character passing out on the floor and starting to gasp for air. While crit, they won't be able to move, speak or interact with the world. They will also start gaining Asphyxiation. Once they reach 200 total damage, they will die, indicated by the text "... siezes up, his eyes dead and lifeless".

Patients are often dragged in gasping for air in a Critical state. In the medbay, the go-to chemical for healing AIR is Dexalin Plus, which heals both 6 Bloodloss and 6 Asphyxiation. While you're in field, the usual best option is to inject an emergency medipen into the patient to stabilize them, which has the effect of healing a bit of damage and 6 Asphyxiation. Everyone starts with an emergency medipen inside their survival box, which contains 12u of Epinephrine and 3u of Tranexamic Acid. Medical doctors also have one medipen on their medical belt. If you run out, there are also bottles of Epinephrine inside the NanoMed.

If you don't have Epinephrine or Dexalin Plus then Inaprovaline can also be useful, to a lesser degree. Once you administer a chemical to deal with the AIR, you can move on to healing other types of damage. If you notice Asphyxiation going up again, you can give the patient another dose of preferably Dexalin Plus.

Putting critical patients on a Stasis Bed will make them die 10 times slower, giving you more time to do other things. Remember that it also makes all chemicals metabolize slower, including medicine. Medical beds and roller also help a little. To do this, drag the patient onto an empty bed (do not Pull them onto the bed but instead left click them, drag and release them onto the bed).

Dead Body Analysis

If someone dies in your care or is brought to you as a corpse, you need to decide what action to take:

First verify that the body has a soul. The best and simplest way to do this is ⇧ Shift + left click.

If you see text in red stating "They are dead.", this means that this person is still viable for cloning or revival. If they get cloned, the old body will display the unclonable text shown below, and can be disposed of (after the person has gathered all their things off of it).

If instead you see text in yellow stating "Their soul lies dormant and may return soon.", then this person is still cloneable but have left the server. You might want to keep them in the morgue until their soul returns or just clone them and hope for them to come back.

If instead you see text in purple stating "Their soul has departed and moved on. Any recovery is unlikely.", then this person is gone. They've either left the server, or they've taken a ghost role, such as a drone or monkey, and thus forfeited the right to come back to their body. That or they've just been cloned. Toss this body in the morgue.


Dead people can be brought back using a Defibrillator, but only if they have less than 200 total damage (Not counting Asphyxiation) and they aren't rotting. You can use a Health Analyzer to check how much damage the body took before death. If the damage is excessive or non-curable with topical treatments, cloning may be the only option. Chemicals do not metabolize in the dead, but you can reduce the damage by using Bruise Packs, Ointments, Sutures, Meshes, Gauzes and Bloodpacks. Once you get them below 200 damage, you can use a Defibrillator to bring them back to life. You can often find them free-standing or in a cabinet. It is batter-operated and must be turned on before you can use it. Each time the Defibrillator is used, its battery charge will go down. Eventually, you will need to recharge it. To do that, you need to first eject the battery cell and put it in a reacharger. It can be also found in Medical.

Dead Body Treatment
Symptoms Analysis Treatment Steps
200+ Airloss Revivable Defibrillator
100 Airloss and 100 Brute Revivable 2 Bruise packs followed by a Defibrillator followed by normal treatment (e.g. Bicaridine)
200 Brute Revivable Brute packs until ~95 brute followed by a Defibrillator followed by normal treatment (e.g. Bicaridine)
200 Burn Revivable Ointment or Aloe Cream until ~95 burn followed by a Defibrillator followed by normal treatment (e.g. Dermaaline)
200 Poison or Radiation Clone Note that an advanced doctor may inject them with Anti-Toxin and then Defib and repeat this process but it will be a challenging revival.
200+ Brute Clone Check Medical stockpiles of Bruise Packs before attempting revival. Cloning may be more viable.
200+ Burn Clone Check Medical stockpiles of Ointment and Aloe Cream before attempting revival. Aloe Cream is a renewable resource from Botany. Cloning may be more viable if stockpiles are poor or Botany is non-responsive.


To clone, first the cloning system needs to be set up.

Make sure that the metempsychotic machine (or cloner) and medical scanner are linked to the Cloning Console via multitool. After that, ensure that there's enough biomass (from the Biomass Reclaimer). When you wish to clone them, place their body in the medical scanner and clone from the console.

Metempsychotic Machine

This is the machine every station starts with.

This machine doesn't clone you but transfer your soul into a new body. It costs 30 biomass on the first transfer and there is a 100% chance for you to end up in an humanoid body (with a low chance of it being your own body. For every consecutive metempsychoses, the price goes up by 5 biomass and the chances of ending up in a humanoid body goes down by 25%. Upgrades can affect each.

Cloning Machine

The original cloner. It can be found in salvages wrecks.

Larger species require more biomass to clone. You can inspect the body's damage before deciding whether to clone. Each point of genetic damage increases the chance cloning will fail by 1%.

After cloning, be sure to process their old body in the reclaimer to get some biomass back. Make sure you've given them an opportunity to get their things (as long as they didn't die of infectious disease.)

Medical Scanner

The medical scanner is where you put clone-able bodies into before interacting with the body scanner to press the clone button.


Meant for long-term storage of dead bodies. This is where you find a bunch of morgue storage pods where you can store dead people.

It is recommended to only store people with souls in there if the cloning bay is overflowing, you can't clone due to low biomass or it is currently inoperable.

Storing dead bodies is very useful to prevent the body from rotting (which prevents revival and cloning).

To use the Morgue, interact with a Storage Pod to open the tray, drag a body onto the tray, then interact with the Pod to close the tray. Typically you'll want only one body per Storage Pod.

Here's a quick morgue color code.

Sprite Meaning
There is nothing inside the tray.
There is a body but the player isn't in the body. The state of the spirit is unknown as the player could be waiting around the body or left already. You need to pull out the body and check it manually.
The body has a spirit inside of it, and is revive-able. It will be beeping too.
There is something inside the tray, but it's not a body.

Biomass Reclaimer

Every morgue comes with a very important piece of equipment, the Biomass Reclaimer. It is fairly straightforward, put a dead body in it, it grinds them into biomass. Be careful not to grind down clone-able body if you are not an Antagonist as it could get you in trouble IC and OOC.

If you attempt to drag a living creature into the Biomass Reclaimer, it may throw the creature across the room.

The amount of Biomass generated depends on the type of creature.

If you get low on Biomass, contact Salvage and/or Cargo and ask for their help.

Crew Monitoring Console

A Crew Monitoring Console usually can be found in the public area of the Medbay or inside the CMO's office. It also comes in a handheld version distributed to the Chief Medical Officer and the Paramedics.

It can be used to find other crewmembers, provided they have suit sensors enabled. The four settings on suit sensors are:

  • Off - The person doesn't show up in the console.
  • Binary - The person shows up as either ALIVE or DEAD.
  • Vitals - The person will show up with their current health condition.
  • Coordinates - The person can be found on the interactive station map.

If someone has their Coordinates on, they can be easily found and retrived by Paramedics. If someone dies without coords on, there's little you can do usually. It's recommended for all crew to have their suit sensors on.

Medical Reference for Chemistry

WIP: Needs updating

Common chemicals
Oxygen Sugar Carbon
Potassium Silicon Nitrogen
Silicon Carbon
Oxygen Plasma (It needs to be grinded))
Dylovene(Potassium Silicon Nitrogen) Radium
Water Oil Chlorine
Ethanol Ammonia
Unstable Mutagen
Chlorine Phosphorus Radium
Sulfuric Acid
Hydrogen Sulfur Oxygen
Damage Treatment

Bruise pack

Carbon Inaprovaline(Oxygen Sugar Carbon)

Dylovene(Potassium Silicon Nitrogen) Inaprovaline(Oxygen Sugar Carbon)


Stellibinin Aloe



Silicon Carbon

Kelotane(Silicon Carbon) Oxygen Phosphorus

Dylovene(Potassium Silicon Nitrogen) Inaprovaline(Oxygen Sugar Carbon)


Oxygen Plasma

Dexalin plus
Dexalin(Oxygen Plasma) Iron Carbon

Oxygen Diethylamine(Ethanol Ammonia) Hydrogen Acetone Phenol(Water Oil Chlorine) Chlorine

Oxygen Sugar Carbon


Potassium Silicon Nitrogen

Plasma Histamine

Hyronalin(Dylovene(Potassium Silicon Nitrogen) Radium) Hydrogen

Dylovene(Potassium Silicon Nitrogen) Radium




Unstable Mutagen(Chlorine Phosphorus Radium) Hyronalin(Dylovene(Potassium Silicon Nitrogen) Radium) Ethanol


Pulped Banana Peel

Oxygen Sugar Carbon

Tranexamic acid
Sulfuric Acid(Hydrogen Sulfur Oxygen) Sugar Inaprovaline(Oxygen Sugar Carbon)


Cryptobiolin(Oxygen Sugar Potassium)
Inaprovaline(Oxygen Sugar Carbon)


Tricordrazine(Dylovene(Potassium Silicon Nitrogen) Inaprovaline(Oxygen Sugar Carbon) )
Phalanximine(Unstable Mutagen(Chlorine Phosphorus Radium) Hyronalin(Dylovene(Potassium Silicon Nitrogen) Radium) Ethanol)

How to Deal with a Pandemic

Refer to Virology.

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